2 men rob finance firm in Punta Princesa

The personnel including the branch manager of 24-25 Finance Corporation located in barangay Punta Princesa lost over P100,000, a motorcycle and some belongings to two unidentified robbers Monday evening.

Gina Labroso, 25, branch manager of the firm, which is located near the Punta Princesa Police Station, said the armed men entered their office and announced the hold up.

The robbers also took the .38 revolver with six live ammunitions owned by the Montaña Security Agency, a Honda motorcycle owned by Rolly Remontal, supervisor of the establishment, and a Nokia 3310 cell phone of the company collector, Gary Relo.

Before they left, the robbers hogtied the victims and locked them inside the office. They fled onboard the Honda motorcycle owned by the firm's supervisor.

SPO4 Joselito Palang, PO3 Rodrigo Deveraturda and PO1 Marlon Anthony Manlosa of the Punta Princesa Police Station are now making a follow-up investigation into the case. - Norvie S. Misa

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