Student mauled by 3 fratmen

An engineering student who is a member of a group called the Scouts Royal Brotherhood is now under observation after he was beaten by three men allegedly from the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity Wednesday night.

The incident happened outside the USC-Talamban Campus about 8:35 p.m. last Wednesday while the victim Christian Peñalosa, 23, just came out from a nearby eatery.

Investigation by the Homicide Section revealed that Peñalosa had just left the eatery when he was waylaid and mauled by the three men who reportedly struck him with a 15-inch long steel pipe in the head several times before they left.

Concerned citizens later brought the victim to a private hospital after he was found sprawled on the roadside. He is set to undergo surgery.

The victim reportedly told the men who brought him to the hospital that those who attacked him were APO members because of their ongoing rivalry on who has accomplished more projects in the campus. - Ryan P. Borinaga

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