Water REMIND project

In 1999, the CUSW and the USC-WRC requested the Royal Netherlands Embassy to help address the water problems in Cebu. To identify and establish common grounds for developing a roadmap for the future of central Cebu, a multi-stakeholder consultation on water resources and land use management was conducted in 2001 with the support from the RNE.

With the endorsement to several local government officials and agencies, the USC-WRC was able to propose a project to the RNE for further support and funding. Eventually the contract for the Water REMIND project was signed in November 2002 with the USC-WRC as lead partner.

The project aims at ensuring efficient management, protection and development of central Cebu's water resources and water regeneration capacity for it to sustain its steadily growing demand for water. The project has a budget of P185 million and will have a span of five years from 2003 to 2007.

Within the project, databases have been set up to study deeper the water quality and quantity in Cebu. At present, it is working on an action plan to determine the best strategy to address the water resource management problems in Cebu in the next 25 years.

As the first step in the implementation of the project, officials of Cebu City and the province, together with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, MCWD, USC-WRC and CUSW, signed a statement of cooperation to strengthen the weak governance and cooperation.

LGUs are encouraged to implement Integrated Water Resource Management to assure effective implementation of the Water REMIND action plan.

According to Fr. Margarito Alingasa of the CUSW, IWRM seeks to address the key water-related problems more effectively and efficiently than using the traditional approaches. He said that the key in the implementation of the IWRM is cross-sectoral water resource management at all levels - local, national and international.

IWRM promotes water development and management based on participatory approach, involving users, planners and policymakers in all levels.

Other activities undertaken by Water REMIND include small-scale projects implemented in the barangays that are covered by the watershed areas like Pung-ol Sibugay, Tagbao, Taptap and Sudlon. These projects are aimed at protecting the watershed areas and at the same time providing livelihood to the residents. Create local water resource board

In April, former DENR secretary and NWRB consultant Elisea Gozun declared the plan to regionalize the water resource body. To know what would be the best set up for Central Visaya and harmonize all water-related initiatives, several consultations and workshops attended by local leaders and water-concerned agencies were conducted.

Among the proposed functions of the water board are processing of water permits, prioritization of water supply projects, monitoring of water extractions, implementation of integrated water resource management, reviewing of existing policies and laws related to water resource management, among others.

During a workshop on water governance and integrated water resource management held here in June, officials from different towns of the province complained that local government units are not consulted when water utilities, even if they are located in their locality, apply for permit. Water permits are processed and approved by the NWRB or the Local Water Utilities Administration.

Since the lack of water is one of Cebu's most critical problems, the officials said that there is need for local government units to manage the water in their locality. The proposal is still under thorough study.

Several legislators had also taken initiatives to help address the water problem in Metro Cebu. In 2000, Reps. Eduardo Gullas (Cebu first district) and Raul Del Mar (Cebu City north district) had filed separate House bills seeking to create the Cebu Water Resources Development Authority.

Under Gullas' bill, the CWRMA would integrate concerns provided in the NIPAS Act in the implementation and protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of the proclaimed watersheds and protected areas in central Cebu and the associated coastal areas. It would also have jurisdiction and control in appropriating and utilizing water for domestic and commercial use.

Under del Mar's proposal, the CWRMA would integrate and coordinate various agencies and organizations directly and indirectly having to do with the water supply of Metro Cebu and province. o Sources: Water Remind Project website (www.wrp.org.ph), MCWD, NWRB

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