Pawned class ring leads to arrest

Police arrested two robbers the other day after robbing a woman of her class ring in barangay Duljo-Fatima at about 4:30 pm on board a PUJ with her three children.

Immediately after robbing Maria Wendy Chong, 33, of Kinasang-an, Pardo, Ernesto Baguio and Alberto Manquiquis, who are residents of Lawis Pasil, sent someone else to pawn the ring in barangay Pasil.

But the pawnshop's appraiser was Chong's sister.

In her affidavit, Chong said they boarded the jeepney from the downtown area. Upon reaching the area, the two who were fellow passengers then declared a holdup.

She said Baguio who was armed with an ice pick grabbed one of her daughters from her lap then threatened to harm the child.

Manquiquis, on the other hand, according to Chong removed the three gold rings from her fingers that amounted to P16,000.

While at home, her sister Lourdes Cano who works at the H. Lhuillier pawnshop along Tupas Street sent her a text message informing her of a man who was pawning her class ring.

She then told Lourdes she was held up and told her to keep stalling the man until help arrives. She called the Crime Suppression Unit.

The CSU then went to the pawnshop and told the man who possessed the class ring to guide them to the people who had ordered him to pawn the ring.

In sitio Lawis in Pasilthey found Manquiquis and Baguio sitting on a bench.

Chong positively identified Baguio and Manquiquis as those who robbed her.

Aside from a robbery case, the three children of Chong executed an affidavit citing both Baguio and Manquiquis for grave threats in relation to child abuse. - Ryan P. Borinaga

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