Two tanods suspended for beating up man

Two tanods of barangay Punta Princesa were meted a month's suspension by the Ombudsman-Visayas for simple misconduct charges when they beat up a man they suspected of starting a brawl in a barangay disco last March 20.

The victim MacDonnie Ylaya had accused the two tanods Arcelo Luares and Eric Gaviola of beating him up at the disco.

Ylaya said he was dancing with his friends at the barangay disco at F. Pacaña Street when, at past 2 a.m., three men approached them, ganged up on him and beat him up before quickly fleeing.

Minutes later, Luares and Gaviola arrived but accused him instead of starting the trouble. Ylaya said the tanods, who were allegedly drunk, brought him to their service multi-cab where they beat him up further.

In their counter-affidavits, the tanods explained that they arrived at the disco to contain a fight that broke out and pacify the people involved.

But graft investigation officer Noel Bragat said their separate claim on when they arrived at the place did not match casting "doubts to the credibility of their statements".

Bragat said that either of the tanods or both of them were "lying under oath", prompting him to rule that they "committed transgression...unlawful behavior or gross negligence."

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