PNP moves to contain info on destabilization

The Philippine National Police members have been reminded that improper handling of information about moves to destabilize the government is tantamount to imprisonment.

In a memorandum dated June 15, city police operations chief Leodegario Acebedo cited that Presidential Decree 90 considers it unlawful the spreading of false information that causes public panic, divisiveness within the PNP and other government offices.

The decree also provides punishment to those who undermined the stability of the government.

If found guilty, a government employee will be subject to "accessory penalty of absolute perpetual disqualification from holding any public office."

The memorandum was issued due to the rising protests against the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo over some controversies.

"The PNP Command finds it an opportune time to remind all PNP personnel of the primordial duties of the national police organization to maintain peace and order and to take all necessary steps to ensure public safety and security."

The memorandum was also issued in order for the police to properly handle sensitive information as mandated under the decree.

The present political upheaval stemmed from the allegations that Arroyo's husband, son and brother-in-law have been taking jueteng payola, and the controversial audio tape that suggested election fraud allegedly committed by the President last year.

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