It takes 7 years for chewing gum to be digested and other "health-related myths"

CEBU, Philippines - As superstitions and myths revolving around baths and Fridays have had their share of loyal followers and cynics over the years, the Filipino psyche is no stranger to myths and superstitions which touch up on the different facets of healthy well being and everyday wellness.

From the "7 year danger" in swallowing chewing gum to the "risks" of habitually cracking your knuckles, here are three of the many already-debunked "health-related myths" which many Cebuanos still take at face value.

Do not swallow Chewing Gum because it would take 7 years for the body to digest

Though the source of this particular "dictum" continues to be unknown, its popularity is reversely proportional to its still-unknown origin, with everyone having the chance to hear of it - or a version of it - at one point in time.

Chewing gum is known to be made of a base which is indigestible by the body, but this doesn't mean that once it is swallowed, accidentally or otherwise, it would stay in the body for seven years.

Like any undigested bit of food, a swallowed piece of gum would pass through the digestive system naturally.

However, there is a risk in swallowing chewing gum on a compulsive or habitual level, particularly for kids.

US-based studies and cases dating back to the late 1990's note of instances when gastrointestinal blockages were caused by significant amounts of swallowed gum, which is actually more reasonable as a reason not to swallow chewing gum, as opposed to the other seven year reason.

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