Five Magic Words

We all like to be around well-mannered children – it somehow makes them seem even more attractive. Teaching your child these simple but powerful words to express better manners can change the whole atmosphere into a very pleasant one.


We understand that children are not entitled to anything and everything, but knowing how to say "please" shows respect or a kind request for others around them.

Thank You.

It expresses that something good was done and that the action was appreciated, no matter how small. Gratitude is highly important no matter who you are or what position you are in.

You're Welcome.

This is an acknowledgement that your child is appreciative of what he/she is thankful for. This is such an important response to someone who had just thanked you for something.

Excuse Me Please.

Many children think that they are the center of the universe and think that it is appropriate to interrupt one's conversation or run around in public and cause trouble (such as bumping into others by accident) without even realizing the damage. "Excuse me please" shows that one is mindful of their actions most especially when personal space is involved.

I'm Sorry.

Knowing how to sincerely apologise shows strength. Without knowing how to say sorry actually makes you look like a very weak person and no one wants his or her child to grow up looking like one. This simple phrase should, without any question, be taught to your child. A hug and kiss can follow, that would make it even better.

The exposure to these magic words can only express good manners. More importantly, your child can never go wrong with being kind and courteous to everyone. By being taught the magic words from the time they begin to talk, its true that your child will grow up saying it naturally and without fail.

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