The Healthy Açai Berry

CEBU, Philippines - As a fruit, the Açai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) found in South America remains to be one which comes with a "mythical" status, famed for its nutritional content and positive health properties.

Harvested from Açai palm trees, the Açai berry is commonly found in Brazil where it is often used in the making of food items and beverages, defined by its deep indigo/purple hue.

Also found in the Amazon where locals are known to regularly consume Açai berry-derived meals and drinks, studies have revealed that the Açai berry is highly rich in antioxidants, fiber, protein, and omega fatty acids.

This healthy aspect of the Açai berry has drawn a lot of attention to it, resulting in the creation of Açai berry-based dietary supplements and Açai berry-centered dietary regimen, with Açai berry juices being one of its popular forms.

Here in Cebu, Organique brings all the positives of Açai berry juices to Cebuanos.

Available in most leading drugstores, Organique's Açai berry juice, as the name Organique would already imply, is all organic in its production, with no additives or preservatives included in their making.

Made from choice Açai berries, the Açai berry juice by Organique is a stand-out dietary supplement, one that is far from being bitter or sour, but rather smooth, refreshing and sweet.

Highly rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, the drink is also rich in lycopene, with a high concentration of nutrients geared to reinforce the body's immune system.

Free radicals and toxins, among the leading causes of early signs of ageing, are better dealt with with Açai berry juice, along with lowering the risks of high and unhealthy cholesterol levels. Also rich in fibre, Açai berry juice is inclined be of service to the body's digestive tract, helping it in being at its top form.

A highly acclaimed superfood, Açai berry juice is high in nutritional value, low in fat, low in sodium and low in calories. As a dietary supplement, the Açai berry juice is one that fits well with all ages, responsible in helping veer away some of the biggest health threats today.

Organique's Açai berry juice is available in 1 liter bottles and can be purchased at leading drugstores in Cebu. Drop by for more information. Alternatively, you may also contact 0922-888-7883 for further details on Organique's Açai berry juice.

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