Pianist Ingrid Sala Santamaria's 50th year

The beautiful pianist Ingrid Sala Santamaria is celebrating her golden anniversary as a pianist 1962-2012. For her golden anniversary Manila performance, Ingrid Santamaria as her legacy and her niche in the Philippine music by going into partnership with Prof. Joffrey Solares (musical) and the PPP Quartet. Several concerts are being planned for September 2012. Ingrid Sala Santamaria received three most memorable awards as one of Cebu’s most notable Cebuanos, Chevalier dans l’ Ordre National du Merite (by the French Government by degree of French Republic’s President Jacques Chirac) and the conferment of Doctorate of Music Education, honoris causa, by De La Salle University-Taft.

She commissioned Prof. Jeffrey Solares to make several string quartet arrangements as accompaniment to her Romantic piano concertos in lieu of an orchestra. Her first performance in this unique combination was at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in 2006 with the Manila-based Peace Philharmonic Philippines String Quartet on the occasion of Santa Isabel College Diamond Jubilee celebration. She has performed in this genre numerous times both in Manila and Cebu with the PPP Quartet groups.

Ingrid Sala Santamaria’s music education and early performance were at Batig Piano School in Cebu City under her mother Pilar Blanco Sala.

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