A call to return.

CEBU, Philippines - Ash Wednesday signals the beginning of the Holy season of Lent. This celebration originally called dies cinerum (day of ashes) as it is mentioned in the earliest copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary, probably dates back to about the 8th Century.

The Roman Catholic Church celebrates Ash Wednesday by fasting, abstinence from meat, and repentance. It is a day of contemplating one’s transgressions. Ash Wednesday occurs 46 days, more exactly 40 days excluding Sundays before Easter. Usually it is moveable as it depends on the date of Easter. The use of ashes in repentance is a common practice in Biblical times. To dust yourself with ashes is a way of expressing sorrow for your sins.

 But, what significance does it bring us? Remembering my days when I was sill outside the convent and at this moment in my life, I find it wonderful to ponder on how many people come to Ash Wednesday services. Each Lent I wonder what brings them there, what brings us there? Why do we make such an effort and sacrifice to come to church after wearying days of work, to rise up earlier than usual, etc.? There is something that moves us to do so.

Perhaps it is a call to return. I think there is always a part of us that we hold back and it needs to be rejoined to God, in Whose heart we truly belong. Maybe a sense of hope is kindled by coming back to God and trying once more to strengthen our faith.

 I think Ash Wednesday is meaningless if the heart of the person has not genuinely repented. We can clothe ourselves in sackcloth and put ashes on our head, as done in Biblical times. We can abstain from meat or even go on fasting for several days. But the truth that matters is if deep in our heart we have not truly repented, it means nothing. Observing the outside rituals are all useless. What is important is what is inside our heart.

Repentance is a necessary component of salvation. Without real and genuine repentance, there can be no real salvation. (Acts 20: 21, Romans 10:9 -10) Real and genuine repentance is God-given, a Spirit-led change of heart and mind.

In this opening of Lent, let us enter this Church season trusting that God will reassure us that He is rich in mercy, faithful love and waiting to welcome us home. May the Holy Spirit move us and draw us near and help us in our desire to “return”. (FREEMAN)

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