Exercising the heart

CEBU, Philippines - Exercising the heart is not about experiencing heartaches and feelings of jubilation every once in a while.

That crunching feeling that you get when you experience rejection or that constant jumping on your chest when you feel excited is not the way to exercise this muscle that’s barely the size of your fist.

Cardiac exercise is much more.

The heart functions to bring much needed oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. It does this by pumping blood that contains oxygen and nutrients to the different organs like the brain, the liver, and even the skin.

Ever climbed a four-story building? What do you feel once you reach the top? Almost often, your heart would be beating fast and you’ll be out of breath. And if you have been sedentary all your life you would feel numbness and aching pain on the front of your thighs.

The latter would mean that your heart is unable to pump enough blood to your thighs starving it of oxygen. While the first situation means your heart is working double time in order to cope with the increase demand of oxygen by the body.

However, a heart that’s on its prime is able to pump oxygenated blood in an efficient manner, allowing it to beat smoothly and regularly regardless of the level of activity, including the number of flights of stairs that you have to climb.

Having a healthy heart is not based on age, so age will never be an excuse why you are unable to reach the top of the building without panting. Just like any muscle in the body, the heart also needs to be exercised, however, before starting any exercise program check with your cardiologist.

It is also recommended that you start by getting your maximum heart rate using the Karvonen Formula. The following is the Tanaka method of this formula, which is deemed more accurate:

206.9 – (0.685 x age) = Max Heart Rate

Max. Heart Rate – Resting Heart Rate = Target Heart Rate

Start your exercise with a goal of achieving 60 to 70 percent of your target heart rate. This would be the warm up period and could last for 5 to 10 minutes. Once achieved, you can then aim for 70 to 80 percent of the target heart rate for a moderate intensity exercise.

Here are a few activities that promote better heart health:

Walking is one of the most inexpensive and practical form of exercise that everyone can muster. Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten the value of this most ancient mode of transportation, relegating it to the only activity ladies would love to do all day, shopping. A 2004 study from the Department of Exercise and Wellness of Arizona State University revealed that those who walk 10,000 steps a day are classified as active individuals, while those who are able to accomplish 5,000 steps or less are sedentary. Given that on average a step would measure around 67 to 76 centimeters, an active individual would be able to walk around 6.7 to 7.6 kilometers a day. That’s roughly from Cebu International Convention Center to the the entrance of Cebu South Coastal Properties near PhilPost or the Malacañan sa Sugbo. Not too far, but could be stressful for one who’s been sitting all day for the last 20 or 30 years.

Jogging and running is the in-thing for fitness buffs these days. It is funny how one friend pointed out that urban running does more harm than good to one’s body, not just because of the danger of being bumped by a passing jeepney, but also because of the countless toxic fumes inhaled during the course of running. For this reason, it would be better to choose a venue that’s less toxic, so to speak. The Cebu Sports Center has a rubberized track that’s friendly to your feet plus you’ll be less exposed to jeepneys spewing toxic fumes.

Swimming is also a good cardiac exercise. I always say that if you don’t want to sweat and still want to exercise, you swim. Of course, that’s only a joke because as your body spends energy, you sweat. The great thing about swimming is that it is a total body exercise that would not only train the heart muscle but also your upper and lower extremities – shoulders, arms, thighs, and legs. There are several venues in Cebu where one can take a dip and do laps. The Cebu Sports Center is one of them, although this is also the venue where many swimming teams practice, so better check on the pool’s schedule before changing to your trunks. The YMCA (Phone: 032-2539724) along Osmeña Blvd in Cebu City also offers swimming lessons both for children and adults.

As much as physical activity is needed to promote heart health, removing the tension in one’s life also helps in easing stress to this vital muscle. One of the ways to minimize stress is to learn how to handle everyday situations. Raja yoga meditation, considered as India’s most ancient form of yoga, is an effective way of focusing the mind to remove stress and tensions. In Cebu, the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center (Phone: 032-2545975) offers free courses on raja yoga and stress free living.

This Valentines Day, pamper your heart not just with sweets and sweet moments, but also with exercise and living a stress-free life. Do this for a couple of months and feel the difference in your life.

Visit the author’s blog at http://tribong-upos.xanga.com.

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