Finding comfort in Carlito's Way Diner

CEBU, Philippines -  Food is the  most  primitive form of comfort, said Sheila Graham, one of the popular Hollywood gossip columnists during the 50s and 60s.

How true, indeed! A lot of people find comfort by just getting a bite or a spoonful of their favorite food, which, through the years, have come to be known as comfort food.

One of the newest places to hang out for the best comfort food in town is Carlito’s Way Diner at The Persimmon Plus.

Yes, the name sounds familiar because the owner, Chef Raul G. Baron, is an Al Pacino fan and he named the diner after the movie Carlito’s Way.

Chef Raul, a Kapampangan, shared that he “grew up in the kitchen” and learned about food from his family and their yaya, who “knows everything” when it comes to cooking. His family had a catering and restaurant business in Manila called Gourmet’s Cuisine, which was run by his mom, then his sister, and then himself. He later on had formal culinary training in Singapore and here in Cebu.

When Chef Raul came to Cebu after marrying a Cebuana, he first ventured into the construction business. “I later on gave it up and ventured into the food business because it was my passion,” he said, adding that his first food biz venture was inside the Have a Nice Day Car Wash, which was owned by a friend.

And then, Carlito’s Way came to be in 2004 along A. S. Fortuna. The restaurant, which specialized in steaks, ran for three years and gained a lot of following. The restaurant had to close though but it did not stop Chef Raul from pursuing his passion, thus the birth of Carlito’s Way Diner last Oct 8.

“We used to serve steaks but now our menu is composed mainly of comfort food. Nothing sophisticated,” he said.

Among the specialties of the house are Callos, Paella, Lengua Champignon, Fillet of Fish Thermidore, Honey Glazed Pork Ribs, Beef Caldereta, Pesto Fried Chicken and Kare-Kare.

Carlito’s Way also serves meals with rice such as the Salpicao meal, Slow Braised Beef Brisket, Nilagang Baka, Lechon Kawali and Beef Bulgogi.

“We use fresh ingredients. Our pasta is imported and we use Angus beef for our Kare-Kare. We make our own sauces, too,” Chef Raul said.

And while you find comfort in their freshly prepared fares, you will be surprised that the prices at Carlito’s Way are very affordable. Their serving of Kare-Kare for example, which is good for two to three persons, is only P280.

Visit Carlito’s Way Diner now at The Persimmon Plus and find comfort in your favorite food. You might even meet Chef Raul in person since he is always there ready to engage in a food talk with his diners.

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