The value of education

CEBU, Philippines - A lot of children work instead of study. They are more worried of having nothing to eat than than the “luxury of studying.” Now, these children have every right to have a good education.

One of the reasons why our economy is low is because of our illiteracy rate. I’ve learned to value my education the hard way. Before, I always hated studying but now when I look in the streets and see those street children studying in the dark and their parents yell at them because they’re supposed to be selling, earning money to buy food, I’ve realized how lucky I am to have a good education. I try my hardest to study, to make my parents proud.

I know sometimes it’s hard but maybe some little sacrifices are good, offer them to God. We all should know early to value our education because others would gladly have an education like yours and mine.

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Education makes good things happen

By Jolle Marie Estelle Villarosa

PAREF Southcrest School

If you want prosperity, you must do something first. If you want development and peace, make a change. Be kind to other people so that they will be kind to you too and you will unite with other people. Education can also help in prosperity and can help your economy. So if you want your country to progress, educate other people so that your country will develop more.

I know that it is very important to make the economy develop well because it can make your country very progressive. You can, if you know you can. If you want to make a change and help your country to be progressive, just believe in yourself and do it. Believe me, good things will happen.

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The children are our future

By Mona Lisa Molion

PAREF Southcrest School

Education. What comes into your mind when you hear that word?

For some students, they would probably think: school, strict teachers, canteen food, friends, neck-tying deadlines and stress! But it’s more than that. Education is a prime tool of sharing knowledge and passing this on from generation to generation so that all will benefit as individuals and benefit the country, as well.

“Start young” is what education does. Children are the treasure of our country. We can also call them the “modeling clay” of our country. They must be molded and taught well because they “shape” our future. If the working class is what brings beauty now, like a rainbow, there is a treasure at the end. The rainbow builds until it reaches the treasure. The children are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Education is the tool; it is the way for a long-term achievement. It is the yellow brick road to success!

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