The rights of every Filipino child

CEBU, Philippines - You are a child. You are 18 years old or younger.

You are a child. You are a person who is above 18 but cannot take care of yourself because of certain circumstances.

That’s why the law protects your rights because people your age are very much vulnerable to various forms of abuse. So many children continue to fall as innocent victims to armed conflict, extreme poverty and hunger.

It is your right:

• To be born, to have a name and a nationality.

• To be free, to have a family who will take care of you.

• To have a good education.

• To develop your potentials.

• To have enough food, shelter, a healthy and active body.

• To be given the opportunity for play and leisure.

• To be given protection against abuse, danger and violence brought about by war and conflict.

• To live in a peaceful community.

• To be defended and assisted by the government.

• To be able to express your own views.

These are all based on the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly resolution 1386 (XIV) of November 20, 1959.

But while you have your rights, just like any human being, you also have duties to perform to your family, your country and your God.

A small child doesn’t have duties as such yet, but a child who is mature enough to wash dishes is expected to perform that task. The act shows sharing in household responsibilities. You are to tidy your room or to finish your homework.

Even if you have nannies or caregivers, you are expected to perform a small task which is your share to a better flow of home management or housekeeping.

If you learn to become a responsible person beginning at home, it would be easier for you to extend a helping hand to your community for a better country and for the glory of God.

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