Abusing Disabled Privileges

Having witnessed some inconsiderate non-disabled individuals, who jump queues only to gain faster access to these amenities by using disabled facilities, is very appalling. It is understood that these facilities mean to assist individuals with a disability or special needs and no one else, but there are just some people who completely abuse this.

I am referring to the use of a toilet (designed purely for the disabled, elderly, young children and for pregnant women) when a group of young girls walked inside gossiping loudly, taking endless amounts of time applying make-up and taking advantage of the bigger space and shorter queues in comparison to a regular toilet! On a separate occasion, one walked out of the door pretending to have a disability as an excuse only to later laugh about it, which this person might possibly regret in the near future. Not funny at all!

For better accessibility, a parking facility with a clearly drawn internationally recognized symbol is intended for the ones who need them most, and not for the ones who wish to park their cars closer to the entrance gates. One man, possibly in his late thirties or early forties, well dressed and driving a fancy car but with clearly no disabilities and perfectly able to walk, inconsiderately parked his car into the free slot and walked out acting as if nothing happened! Seeing people like you act that way can be very upsetting, you should know much better than that!

Since people with disabilities and special needs need to be accommodated most, it is important to take into consideration that those individuals do need direct access to these facilities. A time will come when you yourself might need it, only to then realize that it wasn’t made available for you, so we do need to respect these people, highly.

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