72-hour Fun Family Survival Kit

CEBU, Philippines - The Philippines is prone to typhoons, floods and earthquakes. Having a 72-hour survival kit for every member of the family is a real blessing. When emergency situations result to the shortage of food, safe water and other necessities, the minimum food and water supply in these kits will ensure survival.

What if with a little extra effort you can survive those 72 hours in style and have fun in the process? Putting together this fun family survival kit on top of your original 72-hour survival kit will definitely let you do just that.

Here's the checklist:

Small games or toys - portable board games (chess, scrabble, Chinese checkers, etc.), card games, etc.

• Lots of paper, pen and pencils/crayons, as well as post-it note pads so you can leave messages for each other in case you get separated during emergencies.

• The scriptures. It may not be the conventional idea of fun time but reading the scriptures will certainly lift your spirits and cheer you up.

• Favorite snack/goodie, water (four liters per person) and canned goods

• Small first aid kit -- prescribed medications, adhesive, diarrhea remedy, elastic bandages, gauze bandages, Hydrogen peroxide, knife, rubbing alcohol, scissors, soap, thermometer

• Hygiene kit - toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, rubbing alcohol, moist hand towel/wet tissues

• Light source - flashlight, candles and matches, gas lamp, batter-operated handheld fan, fresh batteries

Remember, it pays to be always prepared. Be safe, kids!

You may also check www.lds.about.com/od/preparednessfoodstorage/a72hour_kit to download the original 72-hour survival kit.

Source: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Family Calendar

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