A Not-so Dreaded First Day

CEBU, Philippines - Hey mom and dad, it's that time again. A new school year is coming which means your kids will be getting ready for school. With these back-to-school tips, your child's first day will be a smooth one. Turn your kid's first day jitters into excitement as school time closes in.

Sure and Safe

Reviewing the school's materials is a great way to cope with the first day stress. Make copies of your kid's room number, school requirements, carpool information, and important phone numbers for yourself and your kids.

Take time to talk to his/her teachers. Let them know about your child's particular behavior or health concern.

Remember to buy affordable school supplies early. Fill your kid's backpack with all the necessary supplies a week or two before school starts. You do not want to get caught up in rush sale madness.

Learning Transition

Summer can often mess up a child's internal clock. According to school psychologist Ted Feinberg, setting up bedtime and mealtime routines is best conducted at least 1 week before school starts. Explain this change by talking about the benefits of school routines in order not to overwhelm your child with school responsibilities.

It is recommended to cut your child's hours of watching TV as the school year approaches. A study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that television and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting, which encourage learning and physical and social development.

Be Your Kid's Rock

Going back to school is more than just buying the right stuff and getting in the best schools. It's an emotional process. Children absorb their parent's anxiety, so be positive and confident for your child. Let your child know that it is natural to be a little nervous anytime you experience something new but remind him/her that it will all be okay, and that he/she has your support no matter what.

Aim for your child to try his/her best and be optimistic. It is best to let him/her know you care.

Ted Feinberg encourages parents in helping their kids start the school year off to a good start, doing such can influence the child’s attitude, confidence, and performance, both socially and academically.

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