Healthy Body for a Happy Christmas

CEBU, Philippines - It will be Christmas a few days from now and for sure, you want to enjoy that day because it is a once a year celebration. But how can you enjoy your Christmas if you get sick? It is very important to feel good and healthy during the Christmas season.

The most common ailments during the Christmas season are cough and colds. And since these are not so serious, many people take these ailments for granted and end up getting really, really sick.

These ailments are common during this time of year because it is the rainy season and most people stay outdoors a lot. Such ailments usually start with a simple sneeze and then worsen. Because these ailments are caused by a virus, these can spread quickly and you can infect other people.

What can you do if you already have signs of getting a cough or cold? Here are some tips for you to survive a cough or cold or totally prevent these ailments this yuletide season:

Drink lots of fluids and make sure to get some rest. Drink lots of fluids especially water or juices rich in vitamin C such orange juice and lemon juice. This would help you recover faster. If after four days there’s no improvement, see your doctor right away. Herbal medicine such as Lagundi is also effective in curing your cough. Making sure that your body gets the rest it needs, can also help it fight infections.

Drink medicines only for high fever. Fever around 38 degrees Celsius and below helps the body fight off infection so reserve those paracetamol or aspirin for high fever or when the cold or flu symptoms become uncomfortable. Take antibiotics only if your doctor prescribes it.

Eat a balanced diet and avoid too much stress. A healthy balanced diet is the key to have a better immune system. You should have a healthy lifestyle, as well. Never abuse your body and if possible, stay away from smoking or drinking too much alcoholic drinks.

Don’t let cough and colds dampen your celebration. Stay healthy this Christmas! (FREEMAN)

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