Prevolution: Vudu's 9th Annual Halloween Ball

CEBU, Philippines - The colorful stories of so many costumes and the unapologetic brazenness of the entire Cebu crowd —  that, I would have to tell you, Vudu has hit a home run in fun and chic in equal parts. Who’s to say that Halloween parties have to be gory, scary and crimson-stained?

Last October 30, Saturday, sexy vampires, hot ghouls, gorgeous Grecian couples and even the whole entourage of the Spice Girls flocked to Vudu Cebu to celebrate their 9th Annual Halloween Costume Ball. Part of the whole novelty that night was sneaking a peek into the new VUDU’s unrestrained walls with unvarnished inhibitions. People who were decked out in their Halloween costumes didn’t mind the club’s half-baked interiors because VUDU was only open for that night only and it may take a few more weeks till they see their favorite club again this year.

“The VUDU crowd that night did not disappoint as expected with everyone going all out with their Halloween costumes as it really has become an annual and institutional tradition,” says Meyen Baguio, Vudu’s Marketing Manager. “The crowd was the party and as diverse as they were in age, gender, hair color and fashion sense, everybody was thumpin’ to the beat as one VUDU tribe!”

If there is one tradition that Cebu anticipates, it is Vudu’s Annual Halloween Costume ball! This is the season for all things “for all things thought of, all things they long of becoming, all things imaginary or real.” Prevolution became the beginning of what is yet to come and when everything is ready, a massive and convivial moment will take place.

Prizes from Airphil Express, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino, Islands Banca Cruises, Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa, and Fushu were given away to lucky winners of Best in Costume Award, Scariest Costume and Best Couple in Costume award.

Watch out for the new Vudu opening soon. Thanks to Nike Cagulada, Doyzki Buenaviaje and VUDU for the photos.

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