Voluntary Blood donation

CEBU, Philippines - Human blood for transfusion is said to be the only form of treatment that cannot be manufactured.

It is only possible if blood from kindhearted people is available.

Because of this, blood donors are considered as modern heroes who care enough to share their blood and spend their time in order to save another person’s life.

However, not everybody who’s willing is also qualified to donate.

The Philippine Blood Center issued advocacy materials on the basic requirement of a potential blood donor. Weight should be at least 110 pounds or 50 kilograms. Blood volume collected will depend mainly on body weight. Pulse rate should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute with regular rhythm; and that blood pressure must be in between 90 and 160 systolic and 60 and 100 diastolic. Hemoglobin is required to be at least 125 grams per liter.

The qualified donor observes the following steps on how to donate blood:

Before blood donation, the donor will be asked to fill up a Donor’s Form upon arrival at the blood collection site. Questions regarding health history will be asked by a trained professional staff. Pre-donation education and counseling will also be given. One’s weight, blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature will be checked or examined by a physician.

•A small sample of the donor’s blood will be taken to check blood type and hemoglobin level.

•Screening and selection procedure will usually take about 10-15 minutes. Donors are encouraged to give accurate data for own safety and that of the recipient. Rest assured that all information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

•During blood donation, the donor will be asked to lie down on a couch for blood collection, which will be carried out by a skilled phlebotomist (one who specializes in drawing blood for analysis and transfusion).

•The amount of blood which will be taken will be determined by a physician. It will depend on the donor’s body weight and does not exceed 450 milliliters. This will take another 10-15 minutes.

•After the blood donation, donor will be advised to rest for 10 more minutes. Beverage and simple snacks will be served.

•Post-donation education and counseling will be given by a trained professional staff.

•The donor is advised to drink more fluids. The volume of fluid taken is completely replaced by the body within three to five hours.

It is reiterated that not everyone though can donate blood.

There are certain conditions that prevent a person from donating blood temporarily or permanently. Among the temporary conditions are pregnancy, acute fever, recent alcoholic intake, ear or body piercing and tattoos, and recent surgery.

Persons with the following conditions are not allowed to donate blood anytime: cancer, cardiac disease, severe lung disease, Hepatitis B and C; HIV infection, AIDS or Sexually Transmitted Diseases; high risk occupation (e.g. prostitution), unexplained weight loss of more than five kilograms over six months; chronic alcoholism, other conditions or diseases stated in the Guide to Medical Assessment of Blood Donors.

On the question “Who receives blood?” it was learned that from a single blood donation there are three main components that can be derived. Each component will be used for specific patient need.

The people who can benefit most from donated blood are those suffering from severe blood loss, leukemia and hemophilia patients; mothers giving birth with complications, major trauma patients, and transplant patients.

As for frequency, it was stressed that the minimum interval between two donations is 12 weeks or three months. This interval allows the body to restore its iron stock.

Voluntary blood donation is encouraged at blood service facilities like the Philippine Blood Center, the Department of Health hospitals, and the Philippine National Red Cross, as well as through the initiatives of local government units, non-government organizations, mobile blood donation activities in the community, private Kabalikat agencies, and schools/colleges/universities to ensure safe blood. ?

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