NOF's Neuro-Endoscopy for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus seminar

CEBU, Philippines – Neurosurgery Outreach Foundation, Inc. (NOF) and the Cebu Brain and Spine Foundation with the cooperation of Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center (VSMMC) recently conducted a seminar on Neuro-Endoscopy for the Treatment of Hydrocephalus.

NOF’s inaugural seminar, held last July 15-16 at the Cebu Doctors’ University College of Medicine and Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, touched on matters about a new and minimally invasive technique to treat hydrocephalus, a common neurosurgical condition where there is excess fluid accumulating in the brain.

US-trained pediatric neurosurgeons Dr. Andrew Jea who is on the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine Division of Pediatric Neurosugery and Dr. Philipp R. Aldana, Chief of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Florida, Jacksonville conducted the seminar. Techniques discussed include endoscopic third ventriculostomy and endoscopic septal fenestration.

NOF is a non-profit US-based foundation whose mission is to promote the advancement of neurological care in underserved communities through education, service and support. By partnering with local organizations and/or neurosurgery residency programs in communities it services, NOF assists in organizing and conducting educational seminars to teach new surgical techniques.

The organization also extends its assistance by helping neurosurgery trainees defray costs while in training through grants awarded to deserving individuals. Costs associated with journal or medical book purchases, while participating in international conferences or attending continuing education seminars or workshops are some examples of grants that can be awarded. Employing the use of new techniques to demonstrate and teach to local neurosurgeons, NOF will partner with local organizations and/or neurosurgery residency program to organize targeted surgical missions to help treat patients in underserved communities. The organization also acquires new and old medical and/or surgical equipment for donation to support charity hospitals. For more information about NOF, one may log on to (THE FREEMAN)

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