Thank You

CEBU, Philippines - While the idea may seem radical to some today, the truth is, since the beginning of time man has recognized the good feeling that comes from being appreciated. The notion of gratitude is just as timeless. Gratitude is that sense of thanks one has for blessings or gifts received, for which nothing is expected in return.

The relevance and importance of this concept was eloquently expressed centuries ago by the Roman Statesman and orator Cicero. He stated: “A thankful heart is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all.”

One of the most significant opportunities for the expression of gratitude is that of a student for his teachers. Marvin Ford, a young, motivated friend of mine, recently rendered a heart warming expression of gratitude to his dedicated teachers and loved ones. He is a recipient of the following awards: Loyalty Award, Scout of the Year, Information Technology Award, Campus Ministry Award and Service Award.

With joy in my heart let me share with you the endearing speech Marvin Ford, a recent high school graduate, delivered during the Teachers Day celebration at the Blue Eagles Gym, Sacred Heart School-Jesuit last September 25, 2009.

Dear Administrators, beloved teachers and fellow Sacred Hearters,

I have been a student of Sacred Heart School-Jesuit for nine long years. These years have been fruitful and meaningful. Why? I count my friends as the reason, but more importantly, the teachers. But what is a teacher? A teacher is a person who inspires the young people to be the best that they can be so that they will be good citizens in society.

I was born with a hole in my skull and my brain was leaking. I was in critical condition. I was only two years old when I had my surgery. This left that noticeable scar on my head. Being born with only one eye, I was considered different.

When I started studying here in Sacred Heart, my classmates would often tease and ridicule me, made me an outcast due to my looks and tried many times to put me down. I had to put up with this every day, every school year.

You, dear teachers, noticed everything that I went through and you kept encouraging me to prove everyone wrong. You kept telling me to do my best and never give up. Whenever I was teased, a teacher would pop out of nowhere and reminding me to keep on going, and never let those petty words bring me down. You also helped my other schoolmates who were treated the same way. Despite my physical challenges, you built my self confidence. You believed in me and made me experience the love of God. It felt very good and it made me believe in myself and do more of the gifts that God has given me.

Cura personalis or personal care is alive in Sacred Heart School-Jesuit. Whenever a student is down, a teacher would be there to lift him up. Whenever a student is lonely, a teacher would sit with him. Whenever a tear is shed, a teacher would wipe away the tear.

Teachers were, are and will always be there when you need them. It is amazing how you wonderful people, inspire the youth by the little things you do. It is high time I pay my huge debt to you, my dear teachers. Today is the day we honor these wonderful people by saying “thank you.” Dear teachers, thank you so much for being there when we needed you, for being our inspiration and our guide. We love you so much in ways that no words can be expressed. Dear teacher, we are what we are today greatly because of you. All your hard work has paid off. May you continue to form minds and hearts. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. Thank you.

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