The Breaking Dawn of Easter

CEBU, Philippines - The disciples who saw Jesus crucified a few days before felt a new presence on the orning after the Sabbath. That was the breaking dawn of Easter. Christ has risen from the dead. The bonds of sin and death are broken and life had won the day. And to all of the creations, an eternal alleluia echoed.

The 40 days of penance and preparation is over. Light scatters the darkness of death and love leads to the fullness of life. The power of grace grabs us by the sleeve and leads us to an empty tomb and invites us to the banquet of joy. What a breathtaking reality!

We are now “Easter” people and Alleluia is our song.

Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by its symbolism and position in the calendar. In most Slavic languages, the name for Easter either means “Great Day” or “Great Night”. It is also believed that Easter came from Eostre, a pagan Anglo-Saxon goddess. This mythical figure is said to have been the goddess of the sunrise and the spring. She is the Teutonic goddess of the dawn. The direction of the sunrise, East, is also named for her.

But as we recall the events that we commemorated during Lent and the Easter Triduum, we cannot help but stand in awe of the sufferings that Christ endured because of His love for humanity….for you and for me.

Holy Thursday. This is the Lord’s day of rest. This day between Good Friday and Easter Day make present to us the end of one world and the complete newness of the history of salvation inaugurated by the resurrection of Christ.

Good Friday. Jesus was a complete failure. The soldiers and the crowd laughed and jeered at Him. His enemies thought they had finally gotten rid of Him. He was treated like a common criminal and despite His innocence, was condemned, scourged, beaten, mocked, and nailed to the cross. Even as He hung lifeless, the soldiers still struck His side with a spear from which blood and water flowed out. And even after He was buried, there were guards outside His tomb. As much as He suffered in life, He was treated with disrespect even in death. Who else could endure such suffering of an innocent man?

Holy Saturday. This day recalls the crucifixion, the lying in the tomb, and the descent into hell of Jesus. Ideally, this should be the quietest day of the year. But the nightfall of this day is a time for joy and greatest expectation because of the beautiful liturgy of the Easter Vigil, often referred to as the Mother of all Holy Vigils.

Easter Sunday. Alleluia! This is the greatest day that marks the triumph of Jesus over death and hell through His resurrection. This physical resurrection of Jesus from the grave is the basic belief of Christianity. The Feast of the Resurrection is our greatest feast and that is why every Sunday is a “little Easter.”

Let us then be glad and rejoice for the Lord has risen from the dead as He promised. This is the day that the Lord has made. Alleluia!

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