An intimate tradition

CEBU, Philippines - My parents started it all almost 66 years ago. My married siblings, including myself, ladly followed suit when we decided there was no other better way. During the recent holidays, my Madrid-based niece, Isabel Celdran Jarque, happily joined in the family’s tradition of recent past...

Yes, we all had intimate wedding rites with only the immediate family in attendance. There were however a few, few exceptions such as in my parent’s case, when a warden together with his only prisoner in tow was requested to be present or else the countdown of guests would have been the not-so-lucky number 13. And in Isabel’s case, the exception was Amaya Aboitiz, her Maid of Honor and also her best friend since childhood in Cebu and now they are together again as residents of Spain’s capital city.

Otherwise, it was always us and I mean just us.

True admirers of promptness and sincere believers of punctuality, everyone was therebefore the designated time, filled up the pews of the cozy little chapel of the Cebu’s Archbishop’s Palace where we have a cardinal in residence, the well-respected, much-loved Ricardo Cardinal Vidal.

So when the bridal procession was about to begin and the family members stood at their assigned places, only then did we realize that the capilla was almost completely empty except for the two grandmothers, my mom Adela and Tita Viling, and the grooms mom Artemia Velasco beaming with smiles. Believe it or not, almost all the guests were part of the entourage. 

Leading the way was the groom Charlie Velasco and his brother, best man Juan Paolo Velasco. They were immediately followed by the secondary sponsors, Joyce and George Chiongbian for the candle, Paco and Monique Jarque for the veil, this writer and her son Eduard for the cord. The flower girl was five months old Tamara Alaina Jarque while the ring bearer and coin bearer were Alonzo Chiongbian and Sebastian  Head.

The Bridesmaids were sisters of the bride Chaveli Head and Miren Jarque and cousin Mariana Chiongbian. The principal sponsors included the bride’s godfather Eduardo Jarque and her tita Lehn Jarque, uncle Ramon Jarque and aunt Lourdes Ansaldo. The officiating priest was a dear family friend, Reverend .Father Vicente Tupas Jr.

Isabel beautiful as a bride should be, walked down the aisle with proud parents Francisco and Marilen Jarque. She wore an off-white lace short dress while Charlie opted for a Piña Barong Pilipino. After the meaningful wedding, we all proceeded to Marco Polo Plaza Hotel for an intimate lunch.

Two weeks later, a reception, muy familiar with only close relatives and dear friends in attendance, was held at the Granada Room of the family’s favorite venue the Casino Español de Cebu where the paternal great grandfather of the bride was one of the founders in 1920.

The sumptuous dinner buffet included the club’s specialties such as lengua, bacalao, roasted Angus beef , lasagña and the ever popular paella. 

Guests danced the marvelous

night away to music from the 70’s to the present. The couple surprised the invitees with home made mango jam my mom is known for as their giveaways.

Charlie and Isabel gave short speeches and thanked their parents, relatives and friends for all their love and support.

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