It's Time!

CEBU, Philippines - Let’s face it. No one can really tell what will happen in the future. We do not know if we will have a job tomorrow, if we will be healthy tomorrow or if we will still have a roof over our heads tomorrow. It’s not being pessimistic. It’s being practical. It’s time!

It’s Time! is Sun Life Financial’s advocacy campaign for people to learn about, consider and get insured.

“We named our financial literacy advocacy ‘It’s Time’ to compel everyone to action. Basically, we want every Filipino to assume an active role when it comes to his/her financial needs,” said Greg Martin, Sun Life Financial Philippines chief strategic marketing officer.

The advocacy, Martin added, also counters the usual reason of having “no money, no need, and no hurry,” to get insured. “What’s great about It’s Time! is that we do not want to overwhelm our clients. Financial planning is both a process as well as a lifestyle change. Good financial planning for the family is one of life’s critical journeys. It can’t happen overnight, but Sun Life can make it easy for them,” Martin added.

One of the endorsers of Sun Life Financial’s It’s Time! campaign is Pia Arroyo Magalona, wife of the late Francis Magalona.

“I got insurance back in the later 90s, after my 6th child, basically because my mother wanted me to get insured. It was only when Francis died that I realized what a great help these things are,” shared Pia.

After realizing that insurance policies can really help her and her and her family, Pia got more coverage to secure the future of her children, especially now that her husband is no longer with them. “I wanted to share my experience with insurances that’s why I volunteered to help Sun Life with the It’s Time! advocacy,” she added.

Sun Life Financial is the oldest life insurance company in the Philippines, serving Filipinos for 114 years already.

Riza Mantaring, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sun Life of Canada (Philippines) Inc. shared a story to prove the company’s dedication to serving Filipinos. During World War II, she said, the Sun Life staff had to hide records of their clients under the floorboards to keep these from getting destroyed or used against their clients. “A lot of claims were coming in and we did not have ways to verify if these were true. But we paid anyway because there was a war and people really needed the money. We found out later on that all the claims were true,” she said, adding that because Sun Life has showed its dedication to serving Filipinos, Filipinos have also learned to respect the company in return. “We are a Canadian company but with a Filipino heart,” Mantaring said.

So, think about it. It’s Time! to consider getting insured.

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