Men at Sea and other stories book launch

CEBU, Philippines - The National Committee on Literary Arts and the USC Cebuano Studies Center will launch the publication of Men at Sea and other stories, a translation of Mga binuhat sa lawod ug uban pang mga sugilanon by the Cebuano fictionist, Gremer Chan Reyes, on Friday, August 28, 2008 at the USC Buttenbruch Hall.

An accomplished writer, Gremer Chan Reyes has published many short stories and novels in Cebuano which were serialized in the Bag-ong Suga, Alimyon and the Bisaya magazines. For his commendable writings both in poetry and fiction, Chan was awarded several times by the LUDABI and the BATHALAD. He was also recipient of the CCP Literary Grant in 1990. He also won first prize in the Lyric Writing contest of the Cebu Pop Musical Foundation for his song “Anino lamang sa Kahayag.”

Dr. Hope S. Yu of the Department of Languages and Literature of the University of San Carlos, translated the short story collection into English. The publication of Men at Sea and other stories was made possible through a grant from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).

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