Asian Development Bank's RETA 6256: Results Focused Project Design and Management

CEBU, Philippines - The Asian Development Bank will conduct a management workshop for partners of its Regional Technical Assistance Project on institutionalizing Results Focused Project Design and Management on August 7-8, 2009 at Casa Escano, Cebu City. Seven institutions in Cebu and the Visayas were selected to participate in this project namely: the local government in the municipalities of Alcoy, Boljoon, Oslob, Camotes, Pinamungahan, the Bacolod Provincial Hospital and the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of University of San Carlos.

The main objective of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) regional technical assistance project (RETA) is to introduce a results-focused, client-led organizational development approach to capacity building in selected government agencies. This approach is piloted in Nepal and the Philippines. Dr. Andrea Iffland, the ADB officer responsible for this project reiterated the importance of managing for development results, not only at project level. “Only when organizations embrace results-based management practices will their development interventions and services be sustainable”.

Liam McMillan leads the implementation of this approach together with Cebu-based ADB consultants Pet Misa, Leahliz Sia, and Godofredo Limotlimot. The partner local chief executives and institution heads namely Mayor Nick de los Santos of Alcoy, Engr. Ful Adaro of Boljoon, Mayor Ronald Guaren of Oslob, Mayor Geralding Yapha of Pinamungajan, Mayor Alfredo A. Arquillano Jr. of San Francisco, Camotes, Dr. Ma. Estrella Ledesma of Bacolod Provincial Hospital and Fr. Tony Salas of JCPIC have already identified specific services that they intend to improve and that will be the focus of the organizational reform effort. It is envisioned that successful experiences in results-based management during this pilot project will encourage these partners to institutionalize the approach in their governance practices and become the showcases for others who may want to implement a results-based management approach. 

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