The Freeman's get-together lunch

What a beautiful gesture from our Chairman Jose "Dodong" Gullas and President & CEO Miguel G. Belmonte when they hosted a get-together lunch for the editors and columnists of The Freeman. It was heartening to note that the seventy-two or more present were truly elated - that after all these years, bonding among us must start somewhere, sometime. And Chairman Dodong said that starting this year, and henceforth, management will make it a yearly affair. Of course, Dodong was given a deafening applause!

We have been with The Freeman for more than two decades. So many have come and gone, but we have chosen to stay because The Freeman is home and family to us. There are a lot of young, talented and ambitious people now, and we know they will make this paper greater; and after 87 years of responsible and dedicated journalism, the paper will stay to a century.

During this luncheon gathering at the Casino Español, columnists Valeriano "Bobit" Avila of Shooting Straight and Leo Lastimosa of Arangkada were given recognition for having been awardees of the "Garbo sa Sugbu" of the Province of Cebu during its 437th founding anniversary. Bobit received his award with wife Jessica Avila and Leo, with his wife Dr. Iris Lastimosa. The awards were given by Publisher Juanito V. Jabat with Editor-in-chief Jerry S. Tundag and General Manager Melandro "Boy" Mendoza. We missed our dear Lifestyle Executive Editor Mayen Angbetic Tan who was in the Big City for a very important mission. To dear Dodong and Miguel, cheers and more power!

We had an overnight stay at NS Royal Pension last week when owner and good friend Shirley Ting offered us her Penthouse Suite overlooking the city and the Cebu Business Park. It's so beautiful during nighttime especially when the skies are filled with stars after the storms.

To dear Shirley, a million thanks for the wonderful stay at your luxurious suite. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness!

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