Blessing of the Medical Center was done by His Eminence, Ricardo Cardinal Vidal in the presence of the Center's officials: Congressman Eduardo R. Gullas - President, Dr. Jose R. Gullas - Executive Vice President, Madame Gliceria Gullas Lucero - Senior Vice President-Comptroller, Gerald Anthony S. Gullas - AVP Administration, Laurence Gullas Lucero - AVP-HRM and Joselito F. Gullas - AVP Finance.
Today, Sunday, treat the whole family for a delicious feast of authentic Chinese culinary dishes especially prepared from the choices ingredients at the resort's newest restaurant, Tea of Spring, and according to Chinese belief, these dishes symbolize wealth and abundance for the coming year!
And also today, Sunday, Marriott Cebu City Hotel has their own Lion Eye-Dotting Ceremony, a Chinese New Year Tradition at the Hotel's main entrance. Be there before 9:30 this morning!