Endorsement: Kris Aquino: White Flower therapy promotes family bonding

Actress-TV host Kris Aquino may have a very demanding work schedule but she never takes for granted her number one priority: her family.

Kris always makes sure to spend quality time with her loved ones. And Kris’ one way of bonding with her family is through enjoying the relaxing White Flower therapy.

“I want my bonding time with my family to be comforting so we usually do the White Flower therapy together,” says Kris.

White Flower therapy is known for its relaxing and stress-relieving effects. Using White Flower Oil, Kris and her family love this therapy because it helps them reduce tensions, relieve body pains, and most importantly, show their love and affection.

Massage therapy with her hubby

Kris shares that she and her husband, basketball star James Yap, rely on the soothing White Flower therapy to ease their minor body aches. After her work, James gives her a light massage on the head.

She loves the head massage because aside from alleviating the pain and relieving her stress, it also enhances her mood.

James, on the other hand, enjoys the comfort White Flower therapy gives. After his strenuous basketball trainings or games, he likes a back massage to ease his body pain.

“We feel totally relaxed every after our massage,” Kris states.

But aside from giving each other a massage, Kris shares another special way of enjoying White Flower therapy:

“James and I just love aromatherapy using White Flower.”

Aromatherapy uses the power of touch as well. Besides inhalation of the oil’s aroma, aromatherapy also involves application of the oil in different parts of the body.

“Aromatherapy using White Flower is definitely a bonding moment for us. We get to relax during the therapy and we get to talk,” Kris shares.

Aroma-therapy is a healthy bonding for the couple because it is a potent and natural way to enhance body circulation, alleviate body aches, and improve overall well-being.

Bonding with Josh

White Flower therapy likewise is a good way for Kris to spend time with her eldest son Josh. Since bonding involves all senses, primarily touch, she uses White Flower therapy to communicate love, respect, and safety to him.

Whenever Josh feels dizzy or experiences stuffed feeling associated with colds, she uses White Flower to alleviate his pains.

“If I need a fast remedy for Josh’s body pains, I use White Flower Oil,” the actress-host says.

White Flower therapy is also best in relieving burns, insect bites, and open wounds. Several drops of White Flower Oil can remedy the pain and itch on the skin. By gently rubbing White Flower on the affected body part, its soothing effect can be immediately felt.

White Flower Oil a therapeutic remedy for common pains as it is a powerful formula of eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint oils that bring all-around relief to both mind and body.

Family bonding is definitely made special with it. Like Kris, you can spend time with your loved ones while relaxing and improving your health.

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