Destination dreamland Stagecrew launches new album

To mark a decade in the local music business, Stagecrew has released a brand-new album—“Destination Dreamland.” Dubbed as one of Cebu’s hottest bands, Stagecrew has been making waves both in radio and television. Treading the path to stardom might be arduous, but with energy and passion imbued in their work and performance, they’ve conquered the  hearts of many music aficionados.

Launching their second album Destination Dreamland at one of their regular spots, Ayala’s Ratsky, the band wowed the crowd with their electrifying tunes and melodious compositions. The guys were ecstatic to see everyone present, jamming to their incredible hits. Adding to the wonderful vibe at the scene were good friends who came all the way from other parts of the country just to see the band’s gig. Loyal fans were also in attendance much to the group’s appreciation and gratitude.

Audience participation was indeed apparent as Stagecrew kicked off with the hit “Next in Line.” Other songs included in the line-up were Cinderella, the carrier single Destination Dreamland and the 20-minute composition, Di Kana Masaya. Having a proclivity for Euromusic, Stagecrew also turned up the volume with cover songs like Coldplay’s The Scientist, Keane’s Everybody’s Changing and Dishwalla’s Angels and Devils.

Applauses and cheers filled up the walls of Ratsky as these talented musicians continued to uplift their music through their powerful notes and superb voice. As front man Rommel puts it, “we’re getting older, yet getting stronger,” there is no doubt that Stagecrew will dominate the local music panorama.

Getting along for 10 years, the band is composed of Rommel Tuico (Lead Vocals), Jason Dacua (Keyboards/vocals), George Castro, Jr. (Drummer), Joel Gabucan (Bassist/vocals) and Edward Ceballos (Guitarist/vocals). Their influences are varied—from reggae music, hard rock, popular music, to romance ballads. Inclined to Euromusic, bands like U2, Keane, Coldplay, The Police, REM, Sublime, Big Mountain and Sting also figure big in their selection of favorite artists. Due to the several song revivals that were included in their previous album, Stagecrew has secured original songs on their latest record Destination Dreamland.

On the concept of the album:

Stagecrew’s experiences have molded and taught them several lessons. Their journey to Manila has exposed them to the music and entertainment industry. Along with those struggles come personal growth and maturity. With 10 tracks in their new album, five in English and five in Tagalog, the word “maturity” is greatly instilled in the melody and lyrics of their songs. And with the dream to reach higher grounds, the band came up with the fitting album title “Destination Dreamland.”

On future plans:

After making a name for themselves in Cebu, Manila and in the rest of the Visayas and Mindanao regions, Stagecrew’s biggest aspiration is to tour around the globe. And their first stop? Europe. Since their new album has been mixed in Holland, the guys are thrilled and looking forward to stage a concert so as to introduce their songs, entertain and reach out to the Filipino community in Holland, and ultimately, bring Cebu’s music to another level.

On the wishes and hopes of the band:

It’s hard for us to know if Stagecrew will linger much in the music industry. Only time will tell if these five fellows are going to continue in pursuing more albums, attract hundreds, if not, thousands of people and bring their name a scale higher. But when asked as to what their foremost wish for the group would be, a friendship that’s stronger is their main reply. Also, they hope to remain intact for the next 10 years to come. A friend to Stagecrew for four years, the band’s manager, Rowena, “Weng,” who has placed a lot of effort in helping them finish their new album on time, says that she has great faith in her boys and really hopes that they would make a name outside the country. “I really want them to be successful; even just one song will make it to Europe.” She believes that Stagecrew has done much and she wants to share to the world what her boys have worked hard for.

Ten years in the industry is such an evidence that the band has without a doubt soared to the top. With Destination Dreamland out in stores now, Stagecrew will carry on in giving people music and so much more!

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