
At the start of a year, one tends to be more pensive in culling experiences and updates from various areas. Beginnings are fraught with apprehensions, as well as glimmers of that eternal hope that springs from the human heart. The passionate French says it best “les grandes pensees viennent du coeur.” (Noble thoughts come from the heart.)

Next week is Sinulog Week, celebrating the Mother of All Fiestas.  This being the Year of Faith, I hope that devotees of the Senyor Santo Niño will be more focused on prayer rather than on the revelry.  It is very easy to go along with the flow of merry making among the crowds that will fill the streets and public areas of the metro.  Likewise is it easy to forget the rituals that the Catholic Church has put in place over decades to honor the Christ Child:  the 9-day novena prayers with Masses, the fluvial parade, the procession, the viewing of the holy icon in the basilica during the fiesta week or a week later, during the formal “hubo” or changing of the icon’s vestments.

Journeying to Cebu for the Sinulog is a “panaad” (solemn promise) to most devotees, a reunion date for families with scattered members residing abroad, red letter dates for school homecomings, etc. Adding to the burgeoning population in the metro are the tourists who also come to witness the Grand Parade that marks the culmination of the Sinulog Week – on Sinulog Sunday, the third Sunday of January.

Marring the festive atmosphere this year is the standoff at the Capitol with subsequent repercussions that may well mean some big problems among the participating contingents from the province.  It is common knowledge that the logistics of maintaining a Sinulog contingent vying for a prize, can be daunting without the subsidy from the government.  This has been the case of almost all participating contingents, here and those in the neighboring islands.

Hotel and airline packages are fully taken.  Even small bed and breakfast venues conveniently located in the parade route are reflecting “fully booked.”  This bodes well for entrepreneurs of all colors. For one to seize the moment, it can mean a windfall that can cover the yearlong business concern.  However, one has to have the savvy for what’s new, what’s attractive, what’s useful, what’s value for money.  I know of a few very small scale businesses that blossom during Sinulog for the hefty earnings, then go dormant for the rest of the year.

For 2013, I look forward to a long-awaited reunion with a college schoolmate and sorority sister: Baby Osmeña-Madrid, who will be here with her entire family – this time,  three generations of her line. I also envision a sing-along jaunt when a good friend from California will be in town.  Despite his continuing chemo sessions, I really believe that he will insist on that sing-along night with his Cebu-based friends.  And I will gladly host the event! Here’s to an enjoyable night of music, Boy!

Life is indeed ephemeral and always full of surprises for each of us.  True, some of us cling to life tenaciously, while others squander what they have to live life to the full: carpe diem. For most of us, though, we continue to harbor a tinge of anxiety for a future that we cannot seem to grasp nor get a handle on. At the end of the day, the only thing certain in life is its uncertainty! “C’est la vie!”

Hence, let us live each day the best way we can, do all possible to make this world a better place for others, and view the world through the eyes of a traveler – ever new, ever amazing -- as this makes life worth living. Don’t give up on love, because it gives a deeper dimension to all our actions.

PIT SENYOR! And may you travel more in 2013!! Be safe and happy.

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