In about two weeks, classes will start in many schools and so will work on the Marcelo B. Fernan Bridge, which is the second structure that connects Mactan to the main island of Cebu.
The timing is obviously awful as pointed out by readers and members of the Motorists’ Corner page on Facebook.
Why did the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) schedule the repair work on the same time classes would start? Do the people of DPWH know that the volume of traffic drastically increases when there are classes?
These are a few of the questions raised by readers.
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The repair work, which would entail not a total closure, but partial closure of portions of the bridge, was supposed to start early this month. But, due to the lack of coordination with the Metro Cebu Bridge Management Board headed by Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia, the DPWH had to postpone the repair.
Okay, the bridge is about 13 years old and the repair work is needed to ensure that it will continue to serve the public, but why did they not start the work earlier to time it to end before the start of classes?
As to the coordination with the bridge board and Capitol, this could have easily been done to avoid any scolding.
The many people living in Mactan, who work and go to school in the main island, must have to wake up a lot earlier than usual to get to the other side in order to avoid being late.
The wisdom of the people in government is often questioned, not because the constituents think they are smarter, but because of decisions like this that make the people in authority appear to be that indifferent to the people, who they are supposed to serve.
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The asphalt overlay on the bridge spanning Mananga River at the Cebu South Coastal Road seems to have not been done right.
We received many comments from motorists, who asked how come there are portions that have not been asphalted.
Recently, these portions were covered and what used to be holes are now humps.
That’s the kind of work, which makes many citizens unhappy of what government is doing.
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It seems that many policemen violate traffic rules and this is making many people angry.
We hope that the leadership of the Philippine National Police (PNP) would instill in the minds of its personnel being leaders by example.
If the policemen will follow laws, then the people would also make sure they don’t violate the laws.
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