HRRAC sets rules on global standards

CEBU, Philippines -  The new set of leaders of the Hotel, Resorts, and Restaurant Association of Cebu (HRRAC) aims to help its members achieve professional practice and good governance, as Cebu is now considered as one of the top tourism destinations in the world.

HRRAC president Hans Hauri said that the organization is now addressing different issues concerning the industry, specifically in the internal operation of each member companies, such as the issues on safety, sanitation, fair labor practice and corporate social responsibility (CSR)—specifically on adopting environment friendly operations.

Hauri said HRRAC will have a series of serious advocacies in the next few months to help its members achieve international standard practices in a holistic way.

“We are going to lay the ground rules on good corporate governance and practices,” said Hauri in an interview recently.

Hauri said HRRAC is going to check its members if they are paying the “minimum wage” and if tourism related workers are paid with the right salary and are getting the right benefits.

This way, Hauri said tourism clients from both local and international markets will be able to see confidence of the professional players in the tourism sector in Cebu.

Also, HRRAC is going to push for strong partnerships and networking with non-Government Organizations (NGOs), different agencies in the government, as well as affiliate private organizations, like the Cebu Business Club (CBC) to push programs that will address a lot of issues in the tourism sector.

Aside from the internal operations of tourism establishments, Hauri said HRRAC is planning to work with the CBC, Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority (MCIAA), and the Provincial Government to solve the anti-trafficking problem.

He added that HRRAC will be more pro-active in introducing serious advocacies that concerns the development of the tourism related establishments in Cebu, specifically the 80 members of HRRAC.

Hauri also urged Cebu tourism players including the concerned government agencies here, to sustain or even launch a more pro-active marketing promotion pushing Cebu as destination, as the industry is already starting to feel the pinch of the oversupply of hotel rooms in the province.

This is why there is a need to partner with different LGUs in the province, in order to push more attraction alternatives, and also pushing to make Cebu still a MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conference, Exhibition) destination in the Philippines.

He said there are a number of issues in the tourism sector that need to be given attention and solution. HRRAC is going to participate in the different programs, making the organization the solid voice of the tourism services sector in Cebu. (FREEMAN)

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