MIC sets recognition awards to motivate business owners

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu-based company Market Indicators Consultancy (MIC), will hold another Business Achievement and Recognition Awards (BARA), to acknowledge Cebu-based companies who have excelled in their respective sectors.

MIC, through BARA, aims to challenge and motivate business owners to continuously raise the bar of excellence and go beyond customer expectation by setting rigorous standards in its marketing research and surveys in search for business establishments with exceptional product or service quality, MIC operations manager MJ Manzanares said in a statement.

The 2010 BARA awards committee is chaired by Rey Calooy, president of the Cebuano-Filipino Business Club. The awarding will be held on August 21, 2010 at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino.

The first BARA was held in April this year at the Marco Polo Plaza Hotel with various representatives from different sectors, including Cinbeth Arellano from the City Tourism office, Rey Calooy from the small and medium enterprises sector, and Ramil Ayuman from the media as council members.

For the 2009 BARA, MIC’s field researchers distributed questionnaires to “measure consumer preferences on various companies and brands.” Criteria include product/service quality, customer confidence and acceptability, company or brand recognition and customer service excellence. A company is conferred the Seal of Excellence by the award-giving body only if it scores a minimum of eight points on a 10-point scale in the following criteria: ability to satisfy a customer’s needs or requirements, relative freedom from product or service defect, ability to deliver product or service promise, high manufacturing or product standards, trustworthiness and high value.

MIC, who acted as the surveying body is responsible for collating, reviewing, validating and interpreting the results, asked the assistance of the Bara council, who judged the awardees.

Some of the categories are Chinese restaurant, seafood restaurant, native or Filipino restaurant, flower shop, beach or mountain resort, financial assistance/lending firm, hotel, hospital, herbal supplement, bakeshop, ice cream parlor, cakes décor and party needs, catering services, KTV bar, spa, beauty parlor, marine equipment provider, construction material provider, grill restaurant, tourist transport, memorial park review center-nursing, car dealer and call center training center.

Meanwhile, MIC announced that it is coming up with a project to support the Bantay Bata 163 Foundation. (FREEMAN)

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