Cebu-made products gain ground in Russian market

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu-made exports to Russia, especially gifts, toys, housewares and accessories have been “doing good” in the formerly closed-market country.

Armi Lopez Garcia, Russian Consul to the Visayas, said that since the Philippine Russian Business Assembly (PRBA) started to join trade exhibits in Moscow, Russia two years ago, more Russians have shown interest in Cebu-made products.

“Our promotion in Russia gets bigger and bigger. Before, we just bring maletas with the products inside. Now, (the products could not fit in the maletas), we have to ship them in (huge containers) to Russia.

They love our products, especially fashion jewelries and accessories, the combination of pearls and Philippine raw materials. They also are more likely to look for expensive products, as they equate high price with quality,” she said during the media launch of the 2nd Philippine-Russian Business Forum and Exhibition last week.

Garcia said the PRBA will also continue to “try to promote” Cebu-made furniture to Russia, saying the organization’s effort to do so last year did not push through due to “bureaucratic processes.”

Meanwhile, PRBA’s vice president for investments Alberto Felix said PRBA expects the Philippines’ trade relations with Russia to regain strength next year with upcoming forum and exhibition on August 21-24, 2010 at the Cebu International Convention Center.

He said that Russia is the Philippines’ largest trading partner in Eastern Europe. In 2004, total trade was recorded at $396.360 million, the recorded highest figure since both countries started to trade with each other. Trade began to decline by 1.67 percent in 2005 until last year, 2009, four months after the first Philippine Russian Business Forum. (FREEMAN)

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