When to Now

I am currently engaged as an active participant in the fight for change. I have chosen to do my part to effect change by choosing to campaign for the tandem of Senators Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino and Mar Roxas. I believe that this tandem represents the type of principled leadership needed by our country at this crucial point in our history.

A friend recently sent back a text that I had sent a couple of months ago to remind me of the journey. It read, “We dream of being at the cusp of history being made. Well it’s happening now. History is turning her pages now. May we all see and recognize what is happening. May we answer the call that history is making. May we crossover from being casual observers to active participants; from asking ourselves, “What ifs” to “Why nots”, from “When to Now!”

It struck me. I had to ask myself when and why did I send that text. What was the context then. I realized that deep within everyone of us lies that deep desire to do something significant in each of our lives and in each of our ways. Whether significance is measured by wealth, title, achievement, family or possession, we all long for that defining moment wherein we felt that we have been able to make a mark in our lives.

I used to believe making a mark meant doing everything to prove one’s ability or capability. But something happened. I started meeting people wherein the measure for making a mark lay in service.

It was a sudden change, but it was a significant one. I realized that every one of us have each a unique capacity to contribute to society. But we often times belittle ourselves, thinking it was a futile effort or that the problems were much bigger than any individual effort we could muster.

But along the way, I started to do little things. And then a little bit more. And guess what. I came across more people who were either doing the same thing.

I remember watching a movie once about paying it forward. About what to do if someone does you a good deed, you are supposed to reciprocate and do a similar act for somebody else. Lets all adapt that.

Lets stop asking ourselves the “What Ifs”. Lets all declare, “Why Not!” and along the way, commit to “Why not NOW”. 

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

For comments, suggestions or stories that you want to share, email me at stirspecialist@gmail.com , or visit www.stirspecialist.blogspot.com

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