STEP UP celebrates WED

I want to congratulate the members of STEP UP (Student Entrepreneurship Provides Unlimited Possibilities) for being chosen as the country champion of the Philippines for the celebration of World Entrepreneurship Day.

World Entrepreneurship Day will be celebrated simultaneously all over the world this April 16. It is a celebration as well as a cause for promoting entrepreneurship as a vital tool for development. On Monday, April 12, the celebration will kick off at the Ayala Center Cebu thru an exhibit of local entrepreneurs as well as cocktails. On Friday, a Entrepreneurship Convention will be held at the Ayala Center.

I want to thank the fantastic support the Ayala Center Cebu management has shown to this event. Also I as well as the members of STEP UP are also very grateful to Bunny Pages and Philip Tan who have gone out of their way to assist and mentor the young members.

I still remember what happened a couple of months ago when I first met Neil Huele. He had sent me an email asking to meet. He wrote how he was an avid follower of this column and wanted to talk about student entrepreneurship as he himself was one.

We met at a local restaurant and talked about the cause of student entrepreneurship. He spoke of the need of forming a group to promote and assist the cause. We began discussions and soon were joined by more young people. Soon we were able to form a small group that was officially launched last December thru an Entrepreneurship Summit. From those humble beginnings, STEP UP has stepped up to be the country champion for the Philippines for the World Entrepreneurship Day celebrations.

I give all the credit to the amazing energy and passion of these young student entrepreneurs. I am saddened by the fact that I will not be there to celebrate with them but I want them to know how proud we are all of them and their efforts. This is the first time that the Philippines has been represented in the World Entrepreneurship Day (WED) Celebrations and the fact that is being led by a group of young students from Cebu makes a inspiring tale of what can be possible if you set your mind to it.

We hope that through celebrating World Entrepreneurship Day, we can inspire and encourage more young people to consider entrepreneurship as a viable and plausible alternative to employment. It is also our hope that more and more successful entrepreneurs join us and in helping this become a possibility by helping to mentor, inspire , and assist these young people with their entrepreneurship dreams.

Let’s follow the examples of these ordinary individuals as they strive to make a difference. Each week, lets all get together and share knowledge, stories, experiences, information, all for the sole purpose of getting One Step Up.

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