DOLE: 2010 will be a banner year

CEBU, Philippines - The effect of the global financial turmoil created the biggest concern on employment as thousands lost their jobs both in the country and abroad.

But hopefully 2010 would be a big change for everyone as the Department of Labor and Employment assures that they will be pushing forward with their programs especially since they have already noted the start of companies hiring in line with reports of a rebound.

DOLE-7 Regional Director Elias Cayanong said based on the pronouncement of the National Economic Development Authority, “2010 will be a banner year.”

Cayanong said that they are forecasting a good year ahead for the country, specifically for the region where partners of DOLE like the Gifts, Toys and Housewares industry and the Cebu Furniture Industries Foundation has reported of a slow rebound starting June of 2009.

He said that the companies have started to hire employees already after a bad first and second quarter.

Cayanong shared that they expect this to continue in 2010 with other industries also anticipated to open doors for more employees like the textile industry and the electronics sector.

In terms of the possibility of more retrenchments for this new year, he said that this would not be avoided. However the reasons would not be due to the crisis.

Cayanong explained that unlike in the previous year where companies laid off workers due to slow operations where they needed to make adjustments, possible retrenchments this year would probably be due to other reasons like performance problem of the employee, absences or misconduct.

“Jobs are picking up and will hopefully continue this 2010,” said Cayanong who added that this is also with the help of the boost of the tourism sector in the country.

He said that for Cebu , which has been successfully promoting the whole province as one of the premiere destinations in the country, a lot of tourism-related businesses and companies are encouraged to expand their operations.

He explained that the growth in the tourism industry ricochets on the concern of employment as it opens a lot of opportunities for the unemployed.

Cayanong said that as the tourism industry is also expecting more tourist arrivals for 2010, more people are also assured of jobs and better income.

Aside from tourism, Cayanong said that they are expecting the continuous contribution of Business Process Outsourcing industry to the problem on employment in the region.

He said that with more and more BPOs coming to Cebu and the other neighboring provinces, more and more people would be given the chance to have a better and stable income.

With the reported rebound being felt by countries who were greatly affected with the economic downturn, Cayanong said overseas job vacancies could again multiply in the coming year.

This despite the brewing problem felt in Dubai on their economy which has left anxiety in some sectors. But Cayanong said that this should not pose as a threat since there are still other countries with a lot of opportunities. 

Further, Cayanong said that while there are a lot of opportunities open for the public, they will still be strengthening there programs and adding more flavor to their activities on livelihood.

“We will be moving forward with our programs and will be aiming on the micro sector most especially since they are also affected with the crisis and they are the ones do not have much assistance and options like on bank loans where most are not capable of applying for due to collaterals and requirements.

DOLE for 2010 will be focusing their programs on small sectors like the fishermen, the out of school youths and the farmers and assures of more programs to address the need of the small industries.

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