Envoy aims to strengthen South Africa, Cebu trade links

CEBU, Philippines - The Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa Pieter Vermeulen is set to meet with Cebuano businessmen next week in a bid to strengthen the trade relationship between South Africa and the Philippines, specifically Cebu.

“In the short few years since the establishment of the South African Embassy in the Philippines, we have already developed warm friendships and solid relations with the people of Cebu . We are proud of the diverse origins and cross-cultural influences that shaped the heritage of our rainbow nation and we are excited to bring it to life right here in Cebu,” Ambassador Vermeulen said.

Vermeulen will promote the South Africa Food & Wine Festival in Cebu with the theme “Come celebrate South Africa, a Calabash of Cape Wine, Cuisine and Culture” which will be held at the Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort & Spa on September 24 – 27, 2009.

Vermeulen will do a presentation on doing business in South Africa and will also feature the tourism potential of the country.

“In addition to our cuisine and wines, one of the highlights will be the performance of UMZANSI GUMBA - it is the first time ever that our Embassy brings a music and dance group from South Africa to Philippine shores. To hear the sound of Africa fill the air in Cebu is going to be quite a special experience.” Vermeulen added.

Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) president Samuel Chioson, who recently led a trade mission to Israel said, “We are happy about the continuing linkages between South Africa and Cebu as a result of our trade mission to South Africa,” Chioson said.

“This is precisely the kind of outcome that CCCI hopes for when planning business missions abroad – to open up opportunities for trade and cultural linkages between Cebu and relatively unexplored markets in countries like South Africa and Israel,” Chioson added.

The CCCI-South Africa Business Council chaired by Carmel de Pio-Salvador will also announce during the business lunch the forthcoming trade mission to South Africa tentatively scheduled in May 2010. Last year, twenty five delegates participated in the 10-day trade mission to Johannesburg & Cape Town South Africa which was then a resounding success.

“The CCCI-South Africa Business Council saw the need to organize a trade mission to South Africa for the second time to further strengthen the economic ties between the business community of Cebu and the businessmen in South Africa.” Carmel de Pio-Salvador said.

“I hope this will encourage more of our members and affiliate organizations to join us as we explore the relatively untapped market in this spectacular country” Salvador added.

Philippine trade relations with South Africa is growing in terms of exports such as garments, housewares, holiday decorations, toys and dolls, fashion accessories, furniture, builders' woodworks, wood products, footwear, giftware, processed foods, fresh foods, marine products, coconut products, tobacco, seaweeds, carrageenan, marble products, cutflowers/ornamental plants, textile yarns, twine and cordages, non-metallic mineral, petroleum products, electronics, machineries/transport equipment/apparatus and parts, metal manufactures, construction materials, and chemicals.

Trade exports reportedly amount to $36.3 billion which includes: gold, other minerals and metals, agricultural products, motor vehicles and parts while imports totals to US$34 billion which includes machinery, transport equipment, chemicals, petroleum products, textiles, and scientific instruments. The value added tax rate in South Africa is 14 percent.

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