No to street caroling

Cagayan de Oro City – We’re in this bustling city in northern Mindanao for the Sports Tourism Forum hoping to share the Cebu experience with over a hundred participants in the activity.

While waiting for our schedule to speak before the audience, we found this time to meet our weekly obligation to our readers.

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First on our list is the situation in the boundary of Cebu City and Talisay City specifically barangay Bulacao where traffic is terrible.

Several readers have already complained to us about the situation in that area, but as always the pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

We won’t say there isn’t any effort from CITOM because we now see a huge NO U TURN sign at the bridge, but then the sign is there, but not the people, who would apprehend those who violate the laws.

Jeepney drivers still make a U Turn in the area in front of St. Paul’s College causing traffic jams.

If there is no other area where the jeepneys can do the maneuver, then the CITOM can at least clear the area of jeepneys that are parked in the NO STOPPING zones.

It’s not an easy job, but if performed regularly, these jeepney drivers would eventually get used to just making a quick U Turn and moving on immediately.

One reader said, “The CITOM and the barangay tanods seem to be doing a good job, but they have to do it more consistently.”

Another reader said, “The opening of the SRP has not really decongested the area so traffic laws must continue to be implemented.”

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There have also been many complaints about the children, who are on the streets to beg from motorists in the guise of singing carols.

“Sayoha pod uy, wala pay Pasko,” a reader told us, but we also told him that these kids usually linger until after the Sinulog in January.

What happened to the law that prohibits them from doing this very dangerous act? We’re sure their parents don’t care and might have even encouraged the kids to beg so they can bring home a few pesos.

“What if I accidentally hit one of them as they suddenly dart in and out of the traffic,” asked a female motorist. “I would be forced to pay for their hospitalization and even more,” she added.

While our hearts are soft in the spirit of Christmas, we hope our authorities also would bear in mind that the safety of many people is at risk.

One reader said, “Kung makaigo ka anang bata, wala ta kahibalo tabangan ka diha sa mga stand-by. Mabun-og na ka, makabayad pa ka. Murag another way sa panulis ba.”

What is very ironic is that many of these street kids are doing their “trade” very near the regional office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

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