IT solutions to prevent cyber crimes launched

Information is one of the vital assets of a company may it be a big enterprise or a small and medium-scale business; and having realized this, a global IT solutions provider launched in Cebu new products to address the increasing threats and crimes in the cyber networks.

Products called as Backup Exec 12 (BE 12) and Backup Exec System Recovery 8 are two of the latest products of multinational IT solutions provider Symantec Corporation introduced to companies in Cebu recently in the Marriott Hotel.

Next to Metro Manila, Cebu was the second key city in the country where Symantec launched these new products having realized that the city is the second biggest market for IT solutions.

Symantec gathered some 60 to 80 Cebu-based companies composed of end-users that they deem are in need of these kinds of software solutions.

In a presentation, Vic Ciencia, Symantec’s Manager for Systems Engineering in the Philippines explained that Backup Exec 12 and Backup System Recover 8 work best and were designed for Windows servers as it provides market standard in Windows data protection from servers to desktops delivering disk-to-disk backup and fast recovery.

These solutions were also designed to support the Windows Server 2008 that is still yet to be released in the international market. But these solutions are also applicable for open source operating systems such as Linux, he said.

Ciencia pointed out that with today’s growing Internet security threats and cyber crimes, there is a need for companies to secure their data. Quoting statistics on Internet treats, he added that reports showed that these cases have doubled in the last quarter of 2007.

On the first half of 2007, about 200,000 new code threats were recorded globally which has increased to about 499,000 by the second half of that same year, Cencia said.

Underground trading, he added is getting more mature and methods of leaking company data and company trade confidentialities and even personal information like credit card numbers have become more sophisticated.

Even the so-called “cyber bullying” is already rampant in the global cyber scene now a days which results to moral and psychological demoralization.

With these treats in mind, Ciencia said that companies and even end-users should be more aware of their data security through the aide of software solutions that can prevent these threats.

Backup Exec 12 is integrated with other Symantec anti-virus products to ensure that data stored in Microsoft servers are protected. It also has the capability to restore granular data automatically and this is catered more for the small and medium sized businesses.

Whereas Backup System Recover 8 on the other hand provides reliable and complete systems recovery even for dissimilar and virtual environment or data from a different computer. It also has on-site and off-site backup features that can scale into larger Windows environment providing full protection of data and operating systems so it is more targeted for big enterprises with large-scale systems and operations such as manufacturing companies.

Symantec is among the Fortune 500 companies in the world with operations in more than 40 countries worldwide. In fiscal year 2007, the company generated 5.25 billion dollars revenue, 70 percent of which came from enterprise revenues.


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