Local biz leaders to push Cebu's agenda in summit

The opportunity of hosting the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation) Business and Investment Summit should not go to waste, as the business sector in Cebu has planned out several activities to infuse the Cebu agenda especially in tourism and ICT (Information Communication Technology).

"We understood that the Summit is mainly a country to country interaction. But, we are prepared to get the attention of the participants on the Cebu agenda," said Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) president Francis O. Monera.

The ASEAN Business and Investment Summit to be held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino is scheduled ahead of the main ASEAN Summit, on December 7 to 10 (2006).

The Business and Investment Summit will be attended by trade ministers from ASEAN member countries, including the chamber of commerce leaders in each country.

According to Monera although some Cebu-based business leaders are asked to participate in the main conference on the four-day summit, it would be harder for them to squeeze in the Cebu's agenda.

However, he said full force efforts will be done in order to highlight Cebu's program in tourism and ICT, through forming different groups to meet with the different chamber officials from other member countries, to forge partnerships or start a good relationship.

There will be about 400 to 500 delegates expected to participate the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, majority composed of notch businessmen from member countries which consists of the Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar, and with the addition of three countries-Japan, China and Korea.

"We can not allow this opportunity to go wasted. We have to plan our way to get our share as Cebu," Monera said.

The CCCI is asked by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) to co-host the event. PCCI vice president for the Visayas Jose Ng is the over-all point-man in Cebu.

CCCI is in charge of the logistical support of the exhibit, accommodation of the delegates, among others.

According to Monera the CCCI and Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) have joined hands in this effort, in order to bring forward Cebu in the forefront during the Summit on Investment and Business.

"We will have to hold events in the exhibition area, outside the plenary halls," Monera said explaining that the events will be highlighting Cebu's strength in tourism and ICT. The MCCI on the other hand, will focus on showcasing its furniture products.

Earlier, Asian Institute of Management (AIM) president Francis G. Estrada urged Cebu's government and private sectors' leaders to grab the golden opportunity in getting the long-shot benefit the conference is bringing to the Philippines, specifically for Cebu.

Estrada said there are myriad opportunities that the ASEAN Meeting is offering. The Philippines or Cebu for instance can begin on pursuing programs such as reducing travel investments barriers, collaboration on education, foreign financial swaps, or collaboration monetary reserve from Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas (BSP), to similar agencies in the ASEAN member countries, micro-finance alliances, among others.

Monera said the CCCI together with MCCI will have to hold series of meetings in order to effectively bring forward Cebu's agenda in the four-day Summit which mainly discuss on trade and investments.

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