Earning from an income-generating hobby

These days it's hard to find a stable job that you are passionate about, it's similar to finding your one true love from amongst the thousands of people in the world that you hope you would feel so affectionate with.

But who says you can't have a stable job and earn extra cash for doing what you are truly fond of at the sidelines. Anybody can always turn a hobby into an income-generating pastime simply to do away with the bore from clerical work or to add a few bucks to your personal coffers.

Jason Candia, well-liked for his loudest morning and afternoon greetings to visitors of Talisay City Vice Mayor Aberdovey Belleza, is also among the fastest who could run errands and records City Council proceedings at the VMO of Talisay City Hall.

Apart from being dedicated to his work at the VMO, Candia also finds passion on his hobby-turned-sideline, flower arrangement.

"My sideline started out from sheer hobby as I believed that I am an innately creative person and that I expressed this inclination through flower arrangements," Candia said.

He said, having been a volunteer in the community, he was usually recognized for his works in doing chapel and stage decorations.

Candia said his first client was a friend from Negros who sought his help for her wedding and eventually became the official church decorator.

He said although he did not earn much from it, it was enough that he got a break even.

"But it was so memorable as the flowers used were personally picked up by us from the foot of Mt. Canlaon, " Candia said.

One of his first made bouquets was a special gift from a lady to a man she admired for more than five years.

Innocent pink roses combined with white orchids for only P150 touched the man's heart and the ending was happy.

For now Candia said, personally arranged bouquets are pegged from P200 to P500, however one can just approach him and he is ready to produce one that fits the budget.

A whole wedding flower arrangement usually run from P15,000 to P30,000, but then again one can ask for a friendly quotation.

Candia said peak seasons are the months of February for Valentines Day, March for Graduation and June, which is likewise known as the wedding month.

"The downside of flower arrangement business is that you have to personally attend to all it's angle, sometimes prices of flowers goes up in particular month, sometimes there is a shortage of flowers, and sleep is a luxury during peak seasons," Candia said.

He added that he intends to stick to his sideline business as long as there are weddings and special occasions that require flower arrangements.

"Even if I have only a little "ginansya", I am happy because of the satisfaction the business brings," Candia said.

So now, do you still think it's impossible to get paid for doing what you truly love? Try to seek out your passion and earn from it.

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