Microsoft Campaign: 'Use licensed software'

Microsoft (Philippines) is intensifying its campaign to orient small and big companies the benefits of using licensed software, rather than patronizing unlicensed software or alternative software solution products.

The Bill Gates-led company recently held an Asset Management seminar for IT players in Cebu to maximize the use of their software products, specifically those using Microsoft.

Microsoft Philippines consultant Jay Paloma said although Microsoft is not threatened by the growing awareness of the Philippine market in using open source software solutions, Microsoft has to inform its clients how to effectively manage and maximize Microsoft licensed products purchased by a company.

He warned that while "open-source" software is offered free to users, it is still difficult for end-users to use other alternative software, as most users are Microsoft savvy.

Teaching companies how to effectively manage their software asset empowers them (companies) and their employees to be productive and cost effective.

"Open source might be free but may not necessarily be free in the long term because there may be some software complications along the way," he said.

Eventually, he claimed that maintaining "open-source" developed software might be more expensive, he added.

Because of high cost of licensing fees, more and more companies are entertaining possibilities to capitalize the free "open source" software.

Today, Microsoft is introducing easy payment scheme for companies especially to small company users.

This month, the company is expected to launch more programs and users benefits, which aimed at encouraging companies to use licensed (Microsoft) software.

Earlier, Internet operators expressed their plans to shift from using Microsoft software products to open-source software, in order to get away from expensive licensing fees required by Microsoft.

Last year, Microsoft had started to coordinate with the concerned government agencies to run after companies, like Internet Cafes that are using unlicensed Microsoft software.

Internet operators in Cebu said that because of expensive cost of software, the smaller Internet operators are having difficulties to invest on licensing.

However, Microsoft is addressing this problem by touching base with the operators and providing educational seminars on the benefits of using licensed software, as well as offering easy installment payment scheme for Internet operators.

According to Paloma, despite the impression of expensive licensing fee, Microsoft is still the most popular software being used not only in the Philippines, but also around the world.

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