DTI Cebu does it again

The Department of Trade and Industry Provincial Office (DTI-Cebu) is not only among the most business-friendly but perhaps the most consumer-friendly government agency.

Time and again, DTI Cebu never fails to be responsive as ever to both business and consumer issues yet this office is, I know, among those receiving the less support from the top. It only proves that the lack of funds is not really an issue to public service.

Right before Christmas, I forwarded a complaint to DTI Provincial Director Nelia Navarro and Ines Cajegas, the Arbitration Officer, against HP Store at SM City for publishing a misleading ad about their Media Center PC.

As a victim of that deceptive print ad, I said in my letter that the store violated R.A. 7394 (Consumer Welfare Act) which clearly provides consumers with the RIGHT TO INFORMATION "which is the right to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or labeling and the right to be given the facts and information needed to make an informed choice."

Immediately I was given a call saying they would right away take action on my complaint. And so they did - even if it was in a time when most public offices were busy partying (using government money of course) and receiving pinaskuhan from their padrinos in the private sector.

Just days ago, I received a communication from the same office chronicling how the investigation went through and it came out that it wasn't really the store's fault but of the ad agency and the newspaper. The letter also mentioned the actions that were taken against the erring parties and the latter's notarized undertaking to be more prudent next time around.

I was hoping for a harsher action by the DTI because I wasn't the only person who voiced similar complaint. I'm sure there were dozens of dismayed customers out there who just didn't the find time to formally send their complaints.

If this were to happen in the US, erring companies would have been slapped with a million-dollar class suit like the iPod experience where Apple was forced to recall many of their older iPod versions and pay for damages after having been remiss to tell users that the gadget's display screens scratches so easily.

Again just recently another class suit was brought up against Apple's iPod for failing to inform its customers about the decibel issue. Complainants argue about the health hazards (permanent hearing impairment) of using this popular device to children and teenagers.

Anyway, even though I didn't get the kind of justice I have wanted, but at least I know there are still government offices we can count on for our grievances. We all know how government works and sometimes you resign to the reality that government only works if you grease its people or return some favors.

But DTI Cebu wasn't the case.

DTI Cebu was there to prove a point - they mean business. DTI Cebu no less defines for the general public what urgency and response is amid a whole bureaucracy bereft or want of the same.

If you still are in quandary what public service is just ask this office.

Send emails to: trade-info@37.com

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