Nokia makes connections across Asia

Reader’s Digest has a heritage old enough for most baby boomers to remember it as their first almanac of sorts. Mothers of that era used it as their trusted encyclopedia of learning on what goes on in the world down to the family unit.

So when the publication started its Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands survey, it came as no surprise. Its image and integrity as a reliable source of literature and educational information has been preserved through the years. 

The Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands reinforces their credo of supplying only the best story content the whole family can relate to. The survey was carried out in seven key Asian markets (Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, India, and Thailand). Data collection was made via mailed questionnaires plus telephone survey, handled by Nielsen Media Research.

Reader’s Digest Asia’s Trusted Brands is a well-established survey that reveals the brands that appeal most to a representative cross-section of Asia’s consumers. It is the only survey of its kind in Asia that is trusted among the consumer market and boasts as a valuable annual reference for consumers on brand performance. 

Brands which have been consistently promoted over the years that have maintained their status as a “Trusted Brand” in this annual survey achieve Gold and Platinum awards by ratings given by the magazine’s readers.  

Reader’s Digest has two categories of awards — Gold and Platinum. The Gold Trusted Brand award goes to brands that score well above their competitors, while the Platinum Trusted Brand award is given for truly outstanding achievement and goes to competitors that have scored at least double that of their nearest rival.

Reader’s Digest assigned its awards based on responses, questionnaires and telephone interviews from across Asia. Consumers were asked to nominate their most Trusted Brands in 43 product categories. They were then asked to assign a score for each brand for the six core qualities: trustworthiness, credibility of image, quality, value, understanding of customer needs, and innovation.

For several continuing years, Nokia has been consistently on Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands roster of winners. Nokia’s position as global leader in the mobile handset market is, much like Reader’s Digest, trusted for its ability to keep the world connected by way of constant product development and research.  Today, majority still use and identify with Nokia as being an inseparable part of their lives. 

Nokia Philippines general manager William Hamilton-Whyte received the citation, saying, “It is a great honor for Nokia to remain in their trusted position. It puts pressure on our company to stay focused on our commitment to provide connectivity among individuals.”

In the past 10 years, Nokia has introduced hundreds of phone models tailored to the growing needs and interests of the youth, the business sector, the first-time user, the technology-savvy, the fashionista — there is literally a phone for every type of consumer.

These popular phone models include the Nokia 2110, Nokia 3310, Nokia 5110, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7650, Nokia N70, Nokia 8800, and Nokia 9500 Communicator. 

Nokia’s more recent releases include the Nokia N82, Nokia 6500 Classic, Nokia 6500 Slide, Nokia 6300, and Nokia N95 8GB that boast of appealing designs and powerful mobile features like Wi-Fi, music, multi-megapixel camera offerings, and other multimedia functions. 

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