Siemens bares first EDGE module

Siemens mobile, the mobile communications group of Siemens AG, was the first manufacturer at CommunicAsia 2004 to present a GSM/GPRS module with integrated EDGE technology for high-speed data transfer – the MC75.

Equipped with quadband GSM, the MC75 can be used in all GSM networks worldwide and has a USB port for plug and play functions.

The compact MC75 is especially suitable for smartphones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other mobile computing applications. It will go into mass production in the first quarter of 2005.

EDGE technology has a transfer rate that is three times higher than GPRS, making it the fastest data transfer option within the scope of GSM technology.

It provides real-time data transfer for downloads and audio/video streaming, as well as for the transfer of digital photos and Instant Messaging services.

Data-intensive multimedia applications may be managed easily with the MC75, opening up new sources of revenue for cellular phone network operators.

The MC75 module functions with quadband GSM, and can therefore be used in all existing GSM networks in Europe, the United States and Asia.

Thanks to the RIL/NDIS driver, the MC75 module is designed for Microsoft Windows Mobile-based devices. The module’s extremely compact size of 34 x 45 x 3.5 millimeters, along with the single-sided assembly of the printed board and the module’s weight of less than 10 grams, is especially advantageous when installing the module in mobile communication solutions.

The application engineering department of Siemens mobile offers customers support when the module is designed into their application. In addition, Siemens offers support during the approval phase.

The MC75 is approved in accordance with North American and European regulations like R&TTE, FCC, GCF and PTCRB.

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