Smart SMS services for family gab on

Smart Communications Inc., in cooperation with content provider Chikka Holdings Inc., recently developed two new SMS (Short Messaging Service) applications designed to generate massive awareness and public support for the Vatican-initiated 4th World Meeting of Families in January next year.

The wireless company has launched its "Light 4M Family Candles" text service that allows subscribers to light a virtual candle for the success of the event. A virtual donation box, the service charges P10 for every virtual family candle lit.

Smart also introduced the "Lolek Trivia Challenge" in honor of Pope John Paul II. The challenge will provide Smart subscribers facts about the Pope, who will lead in the tri-annual gathering of families. These tidbits serve as basis for the weekly trivia where winners get a chance to win a trip to the Vatican.

"These two services aim to help Church organizers raise the resources needed to stage the global event, which is seen to bring together thousands of families from all over the world to Manila," said Anastacio Martirez, Smart head for personal communications and mobile services.

"As the Church’s corporate partner, we are allotting a huge portion of the two text services’ proceeds to the 4th World Meeting of Families," Martirez said. "This is our way of showing support to worthwhile Church initiatives such as this."

To drum up support for the "Light a Candle" mobile service, Smart will install real-time counters in key points in Metro Manila. These will show how many virtual family candles have been lit up. Keyword for this service is "CANDLE" which can be sent to access number 700.

Cellphone prizes will also be given away to weekly winners of the Lolek Trivia Challenge. Smart subscribers who want to start this service just need to type in "LOLEK," then send to 700,

The World Meeting of Families, initiated by the Pope and organized by the Council for Family in the Vatican, will have two congresses: the International Theological and Pastoral Congress facilitated by experts, theologians and family—representatives; and the Congress of Sons and Daughters, an interactive catechesis participated in by six to 18 year olds.

The theme for the Manila meeting will be the "The Christian Family: Good News for the Third Millennium," focusing on the role of the family in evangelization. It will be held for the first time in Asia.

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